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Title: "Learning To Die Well", Date: February, 19, 2002         
Chat Between: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) and Rumi

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum.  My love you, my dearest brothers and sisters.
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Outline of Related Material

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Text of Related Material
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13.  Stop Yelling At The Cake To Make It Rise

Instead become peaceful about the cake, the oven, the chef, the kitchen, and realize that everything is as it should be in the kitchen, take a seat as "separate from" the cake, the oven, the chef, and the kitchen, and let the kitchen run itself, realizing that the cake and the work of the kitchen will turn out fine without our intervention, as "separate from" the cake, the oven, the chef, and the kitchen.
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14.  About Putting Things Down & Picking Things Up

We must expand who we are to include both what God is doing within us, which is revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, and what the Creation of God is doing within us, which is revealing false man within us, within the dream of our life as "separate from" God, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, a life of separation and differences that we experience as existing "outside" of us.
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15.  Accentuate The Positive

Remember that the darkness came into our hearts because in our ignorance we took the light out of the house of our heart by forgetting God, by forgetting about us as "one with" God, not because of any sinister plot of the darkness, because when the light is removed the darkness fills the space, that is natural.

So forget the darkness that now fills your heart and focus on the light of God that must now come back into your heart, and the darkness will leave all by itself, as the light returns, and it will, because that too is natural.
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16.  Doing Things With Bawa And God

We can start to do things with Bawa and God by stopping all of our doing of things without Bawa and God, through the realization that the point of our life is not our doing things, or our getting better, or our becoming worthy or pleasing to Bawa or God, or our working for wages to get into heaven, or becoming near Bawa or God, all of these things are but a reflection of our mind, of our current state of "separation from" Bawa and God within us.

We can start to do things with Bawa and God by realizing that the point of our life is in our trusting in Bawa and God as our True Mother and Father within us, as the One who created us, rules us, and will redeem us, in Their time and in Their way, not in our time or in our way.

The point of our life is in our joining in partnership with Bawa and God within us in what They are doing within the reality of us, which is revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us and revealing God within the Creation of True Man within us, not what we are doing within the dream of us, which is our illusory life of "separation from" Bawa and God within us, an illusory life of selfishness, of arrogance, karma, and illusion, that we see as existing "outside" of us.
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17.  Make Your Knowing That God Knows Enough

We must learn to "endure the cure" by elevating everything that comes to us,
everything that happens to us, as not coming to us or happening to us, but rather
coming from God to God, to complete what God has started within us, which is to tell
God's story within us by first telling the story of True Man within the Creation of God
within us, so True Man within us can tell the story of God within the Creation of True
Man within us.

Then and only then can we truly say, with contentment and gratitude, Al-hamdu lillah,
to whatever comes to us, to whatever happens to us, and as Muhammad at the level of
Abraham (may God be pleased with all of His Prophets) say to the Angels that come
to help us (may the blessings of God be upon all of Them), who come to help us in our
pit of fire at God's command, we can say to them,

          "I don't need your help. The One who put me in the fire knows I am in the fire.
          He knows what is happening and He knows what needs to be done, and my
          knowing that He knows is enough."
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18.  Never Have The Thought That There Is Something For You To Do

We must realize without the slightest doubt that everything that needs to be done within us is already being done within us, by Bawa and God within us, to complete what They have joined together and have started within us, which is to reveal True Man within God and God within True Man within us.

And to all of the elemental lives within us, to all of the lives of complaint within us, to all of the lives of separation and differences within us, which is all of the lives of the Creation of God within us, we must become God's advocate, pleading God's case to them, not their advocate to God, pleading their case to God.

Then since God is the one behind our advocacy of God, they will become peaceful within us, they will all sit down within us, allowing us to "endure the cure", allowing all of the lives of incompleteness within us, all of the lives of "separation from" God within us, which are all of the lives of the Creation of God within us, to be transformed back into lives of completeness within us, back into lives of "oneness with" God within us, back into the One life of True Man and God within us.
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19.  The Two Different Kinds of Life God Gave To Us

God has given each of us both a life of "separation from" God and a life of "oneness with" God so through contrast we can come to know and understand the life of "oneness with" God within us, when we join with the gift of God for our age, the gift of the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within us (may God be pleased with Him).

And through this gift of God within, thourgh the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within us(may God be pleased with Him), harvest the life of "oneness with" God from within us, harvest it out of the life of "separation from" God within us, and having understood it transcend it back into God.

And in this way, through our wisdom move from a life of "separation from" God to a life of "oneness with" God within us, which is the contrast to the life of "separation from" God within us, and through the understanding of this life of "oneness with" God within us, obtained from this contrast, move back into God, from which we have all come, back into what has no contrast, because God has no contrast, no opposite.
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20.  When We Truly Turn To God Our Own Life Will Rise Up To Kill Us

We must realize this without the slightest doubt, and accept this, accept this truth in our lives, accept that our own life of "separation from" God will try to kill us when we start to accept and move toward the life of "oneness with" God within us, which is the life of God within us.

We must accept this truth of our life as natural in our life, and join with Bawa and God within us to "endure the cure", to survive their deadly attack upon us, as they rise up to kill us, because for the Tree of God's Grace to grow within us the Seed of God's Grace hidden within the Creation of God within us must be destroyed. There is no other way.

We cannot have both lives, a life in the world, a life lived on the "outside" of us in the dream of "self existence" as "separate from" God, and at the same time leave this world for a life as "one with" God, for a life lived on the "inside" of us, in the reality of "God's existence" within us, as "one with" God within us.

The choice is ours, and we must make this choice before we die, and we must realize that "no choice" is a choice, the choice of the "status quo", the choice to continue to live as "separate from" God, from each other, and from the Creation of God within us
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21.  There Are No Bad Or Good Guys, Just God And What God Is Doing

We must always remember the nature of the two very different worlds that God has personally placed within each of us, the nature of the false world within us of "separation from" God within us, that we have learned to see and live in through our ignorance, the illusory world that we now see as existing "outside" of us, and the nature of the true world of "oneness with God within us, that we can only see and enter through our wisdom, through our relationship with the life and teaching of God within us for this age, with the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).

And in this way, traveling within to our true life, our true teaching, and our true world, when through our wisdom we have successfully learned to leave this false "outside" world, when we have successfully learned to leave the world that we are current living within on the "outside" of us, and travel within our own heart to freedom of God within us, escaping in this way from the false illusory selfish world "outside" of us that is falsely defining for us "who we are", "where we are", and "what is happening" in our life.

One world is of God and of the things of God, and the other world, the world that we are currently in, that we currently see through our ignorance, through our mind and desire, is of what God has discarded.

One is the opposite of the other, the contrast to the other, so the one true world within us, the world of God within us, the world of "oneness with" God within us, can be understood through its contrast to the false world within us, to the false world of "separation from" God within us, that we mistakenly see as existing "outside" of us.

This "outside" world that is really "inside" of us is our destruction, and if we fail to transcend it becomes the suffering of our grave, and our eternal hell of "separation from" God, and from the things of God, but this same illusory world when seen through wisdom as truly existing on the "inside" of us, as the contrast to the world of God within us, becomes of great value to wisdom, in the understanding of what is now only known by wisdom, which is the world of God within us, becomes of great value to us through our wisdom, because as His Holiness teaches us,

          "Understanding only occurs through contrast."

We must stop trying to keep both worlds within us, stop trying to have both God and what God has discarded. That is impossible. We must make a choice between the two.

That is why we have come here, to this temporary School of Contrasts, to understand who "we already are", and then to leave this school and return to God, from which we have all come, where there is no contrast, to return to God to live an eternal life as "one with" God, as "one with" the One who build the School of Contrast for us, so through contrast we could learn and understand "who we truly are", "where we truly are", and "what is truly happening" in our life, but we cannot have both, one is the enemy of the other.

This is why His Holiness teaches us,

          "When Allah loves us the world will drive us away, but when the world accepts
          us we will not be acceptable to Allah, this is a sign you can see. If you desire
          and accept the praise of the world, truth will not accept you, and if you desire
          truth, the world will not accept us. All who have wisdom must realize and
          understand this."
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22.  Learn To Die Well

We must become like the mother crab who gives birth to its babies inside of herself, but with no opening for the babies to escape, except by killing her, by eating her flesh.

This is the only way to get out of here alive, alive within God but dead to the world, by letting what we have all naturally given birth to within us, which are all of the lives of separation and differences within the Creation of God within us, which are the 105 million births of "separation from" God within us, by letting them kill us so they can live.

By letting them eat us up completely so they can live, so they can become the Creation of God within us while we become their Mother as the Essence of God's Grace within us, while we become the Rasul Allah, we become the dhat (the essence of God's grace) and the sirr (the secret of God's Creation) hidden within the sifat (the manifestation or form) of His Creation.

We become the resplendence that emerges from the effulgence of God, shining radiantly as the Messenger of God within us, with the 99 beautiful qualities and actions of God within us becoming our form, which is the sifat of the dhat.
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23.  How Is Louie?

At all times say, "Al-hamdu lillah, Allahu Akbar", all praise and praising belong to God and to God alone, and only God is Great, because Bawa teaches us that the first thing that comes out of our mouth determines what we will next experience, and if it is negative then that is our fate for the next moment, and if it is positive then that is our fate.

And if it is about God and about what God is doing within us, and within all of His Creation for this age, this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), then it is the blessings of our life that will bring peace to our life and to all life within us.

And if it is about the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within us (may God be pleased with Him) then that is the grace of our life, the grace that will liberate our soul from the cross of our elemental body, allowing Bawa and God to finish what They have started within us, which is revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, and revealing God within The Creation of True Man within us. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.

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