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Spiritual Chat 5 - Outline & Summary Version                    About Spiritual Chat 5
Title: "Learning To Die Well", Date: February, 19, 2002
Chat Between: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) and Rumi

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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim.  In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum.  My love you, my dearest brothers and sisters.
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Outline & Summary of Spiritual Chat 
Note: for more on "Summary Material" click on Related Material either here or above
                                                                                                                        - go to items 20 to 23
13.  Stop Yelling At The Cake To Make It Rise - instead become peaceful about the
          cake, the oven, the chef, the kitchen, and realize that everything is as it should
14.  About Putting Things Down & Picking Things Up - we must expand who we are
          to include both what God is doing within us and what the Creation of God are
          doing within us
15.  Accentuate The Positive - remember that the darkness came into our hearts
          because in our ignorance we took the light out of the house of our heart by
          forgetting God, by forgetting about "us" as "one with" God
16.  Doing Things With Bawa And God - we can start to do things with Bawa and
          God by stopping all of our doing of things without Bawa and God
17.  Make Your Knowing That God Knows Enough - we must learn to "endure the
          cure" by elevating everything that comes to us, everything that happens to us,
          as not coming to us or happening to us, but rather coming from God to God
          without the slightest doubt that everything that needs to be done within us is
          already being done within us, by Bawa and God within us
19.  The Two Different Kinds of Life God Gave To Us - God has given each of us both
          a life of "separation from" God and a life of "oneness with" God so through
          contrast we can come to know and understand the life of "oneness with" God
          within us
                                                                                                                        - back to top of outline
          this truth in our lives, that our own life of "separation from" God will try to kill us
          when we start to accept and move toward the life of "oneness with" God within
          us, which is the life of Bawa and God within us
          always remember the nature of the two very different worlds that God has
          personally placed within each of us, the nature of the false world within us of
          separation from" God within us, that we have learned to see and live in through
          our ignorance, the illusory world that we now see as existing "outside" of us,
          and the nature of the true world of "oneness with God within us, that we can only
          see and enter through our wisdom
22.  Learn To Die Well - we must become like the mother crab who gives birth to its
          babies inside of herself, but with no opening for the babies to escape, except by
          killing her, by eating her flesh. This is the only way to get out of here alive, alive
          within God but dead to the world, by letting what we have all naturally given birth
          to within us, which are all of the lives of separation and differences within the
          Creation of God within us, which are the 105 million births of "separation from"
          God within us, by letting them kill us so they can live.  By letting them eat us up
          completely so they can live, so they can become the Creation of God within us
          while we become their Mother as the Essence of God's Grace within us, while
          we become the Rasul Allah, we become the dhat (the essence of God's grace)
          and the sirr (the secret of God's Creation) hidden within the sifat (the
          manifestation or form) of God's Creation
23.  How Is Louie? - at all times say, "Al-hamdu lillah, Allahu Akbar", all praise and
          praising belong to God and to God alone, and only God is Great, because Bawa
          teaches us that the first thing that comes out of our mouth determines what we
          will next experience, and if it is negative then that is our fate for the next
          moment, and if it is positive then that is our fate. And if it is about God and about
          what God is doing within us, and within all of His Creation for this age, this age of
          Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), then it is the blessings of
          our life that will bring peace to our life and to all life within us. And if it is about
          the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within us (may God be pleased
          with Him) then that is the grace of our life, the grace that will liberate our soul
          from the cross of our elemental body, allowing Bawa and God to finish what They
          have started within us, which is revealing True Man within the Creation of God
          within us, and revealing God within The Creation of True Man within us.
          Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.

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Text of Spiritual Chat
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13.  Stop Yelling At The Cake To Make It Rise


Sure. The important thing to realize is that for each thing "you" can't, but that it can be done.

When you set out to do anything that needs to be done, but try to do it separate from Bawa, this is sort of like trying to make the cake rise by getting upset about it.


It is part of asking God to destroy us, in order to reveal Him.


For Last Point: As soon as you start to focus on "loosing yourself", rather than on God, rather than on the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, nothing works, because nothing gets done in the arena of "you" trying to "lose yourself".
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14. About Putting Things Down & Picking Things Up


New Point:  Yes, Bawa teaches us that,

          "We can't put anything down unless we are picking something else up".

So there is no "our leaving" without "God coming", or "us" being destroyed without God within "us" being revealed, like an apple seed being destroyed so the apple tree is revealed.


The main point is not to focus on "our leaving", that is God's work, but rather to focus on "God coming", that is our work. Then both parts get done.


Bawa told us that the reason our room, the room of our heart, is dark is because we took the light out of the room, and the only way the room will become light again, is by bring the light back into the room, not by cursing the darkness.

Rumismith: I like that.
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15.  Accentuate The Positive


So the path is a positive one, always focusing on God, and His life, and what He is doing within us, which is revealing True Man within the Creation of God, not focusing on the negative parts within us that have to leave. When God comes they will all leave all by themselves.

Rumismith: Hopefully sooner than later.


That is the path, and we walk it by taking hold of God's hand, not trying to get ready for the "coming of God", and the name of God's hand in our age is "Bawa".


Be careful. Take a look at what you just said, "Hopefully sooner than later", Would wisdom say that?


Thank you for these beautiful, encouraging words of truth. Al hamdu lillah


Al-hamdu lillah. Wisdom is always peaceful, it has no expectation because everything is perfect, everything is as it should be. Do we have time for another short story?


No, that was the naughty me and I was fully aware of it. Yes please I would like another story.
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16.  Doing Things With Bawa And God


One of the sisters told Bawa one day in the room that she was very discourage about her progress on the path. And Bawa told her a beautiful story about planting and harvesting crops, that there is a time to sow, a time to weed, a time to water, a time to wait, a time to harvest, and a time to eat the crop that was grown and harvested.


When Bawa finished, He asked the girl if she understood, and the girl said,

          "Yes, but that it did not help her".

And what do you think Bawa did next?


I am waiting for you to tell me. I have no idea.

MuhaiyaddeenLB: He escaped?

Rumismith: I don't understand.


Bawa turned away from the girl and started to look at all of the other children, and asked if there were any other questions.


This child only personally saw Bawa do this twice, and I have realized over the years the following, that Bawa had done all that He could do for the girl, He had done His duty to the sister, and had then handed her to God, and turned to his other children to attend to their needs.


But then the most amazing thing happened, God intervened. All of a sudden, Bawa lit up like a Christmas tree, and His whole face and manner changed, His face took on a beautiful light and He looked like a 16 years old youth.


Are you going to tell me how?


Patience, my sweet sister Rumi. Remember, Louie is hearing this story as you are, not telling it.


Then Bawa turned back to the girl, with a look of so much love, and tenderness, and said to the girl,

          "My sweet child, if you think about it for a moment, you will realize, that there
          is a great secret in the story that was just told to you".

And then Bawa said to the girl,

          "The longer it takes for the crop to mature, the more exalted will be the crop."


When this child heard this, my whole life changed, because time was no longer my enemy, there was nothing for me to accomplish within a certain time period, in fact, time was now a ally, a friend, and the slowing down of the journey a wonderful thing, because now this child knew that God was in charge, not time, and that time was but a gift of God to help us endure the cure.

This child knew that the point of the path was not completing it, or becoming exalted, or wise, or good, or any of those things, the kinds of things that the mind seems to always focus on, the point was to trust in God to complete the journey for us, and our work was to sit in hell, to sit in failure after failure, to sit with no signs of progress or advance, knowing that God would indeed finish the job, in His time, and in His way, not ours.


What a helpful story, thank you. I start to see now the traps of the mind I tend to fall into.
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17.  Make Your Knowing That God Knows Enough


This is the story of Abraham (may the blessings of God be upon Him) in the pit of fire, rejecting the help of everyone, rejecting the help of the earth, the fire, the air, the water, and even the help of the Angel Gabriel (may the blessings of God be upon Him), because Abraham knew they could not in truth help Him, that only God could help Him, only God could complete what God had started within Abraham, and the pit of fire was how God was completing what God had started within Abraham, but only if
would just sit there, and endure the cure.


And that is what Abraham told the Angel Gabriel,

          "I don't need your help. The One who put in the fire, knows I am in the fire.
          He knows what is happening, and He knows what needs to be done."

But this answer made Angel Gabriel upset with Abraham, because Abraham would not accept his help.


And then the Angel Gabriel said to Abraham,

          "Well, if you won't accept my help, at least ask God for help".

And Abraham said to the Angel Gabriel,

          "I could do that, but my knowing that God knows, is enough."


This Iman, this is absolute faith, certitude, and determination in God, this is how we have to walk through our day, this is how we have to react to what happens to us.

Everything is always Ok, because God is in charge, God is in control, and what we are experiencing is but some aspect of what God is doing within us, and my work, my only work, is to accept it as from God, not as a call for me to change something, or to improve something, or to do anything, but to sit in it, whatever it is, content, with gratitude, trusting in God, saying Al-hamdu lillah - all praise and praising be to God and to God alone.
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18.  Never Have The Thought That There Is Something For You To Do


This is the only way to overcome our mind and desire, my sweet sister Rumi, with God, not with "us" as separate from God, not with something that "we" do, like our prayers, or our duty, or our understanding, as separate from God.

In fact Bawa said one day,

          "Never have the thought that there is something for you to do."


That is why, everything that can be done within you, to bring your life to completion, is already being done by God within you. There is nothing for you to do, but to support Him and what He is doing within you.

And we support Him by telling all of the lives within us, all of the lives of separation and differences within us, that have their own agenda separate from God, to be still, to wait, to be quite, because God is doing something very important within us, which is revealing Himself, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God in the 18,000 universes within us.


And if we do this, rather than becoming their advocate, and pleading their case to God, if we become instead God's advocate, and plead God's case to them, then since God is the one behind our advocacy of God, they will become peaceful, they will sit down.

That is the life of wisdom within us, pleading God's case to all of the lives of darkness within us, rather than joining them in their activities.
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19.  The Two Different Kinds of Life God Gave To Us


Bawa teaches us that God has personally placed within us two different kinds of life, a life of "separation from" which is the life of darkness within us that grows through our ignorance, and a life of "oneness with" which is the life of Light within us which grows through our wisdom, and we experience them like two ships passing in the night, the ship of mind and desire, of separation and differences, and the ship of iman and wisdom.

And our work is but to realize that we have mistakenly boarded the wrong ship, and as they pass at a certain critical point in our life, we have to "jump ship", and get on the ship of iman and wisdom, letting the ship of mind and desire go its way, without us.
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20.  When We Truly Turn To God Our Own Life Will Rise Up To Kill Us


This is the path of God, my sweet sister Rumi, this is the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) that is growing within the heart of all of the Children of God for this age, for this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), the path of God that each of us is given the opportunity to take.
Al-hamdu lillah

But when we try to "jump ship", everything on the ship of mind and desire will first plead with us not to leave, and then when they realize that we are determined, they will try and kill us. We must realize this, without the slightest doubt.

This is the path we have chosen, when we chose to follow the life and teaching of
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him), the death of us within us, for the life of God within us. Do you understand?
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21.  There Are No Bad Or Good Guys, Just God And What God Is Doing


Yes, this is how it feels, like they are trying to kill us. Al-hamdu lillah.

I do understand. I feel like I had an adjustment. God sent you to throw me a rope so I can jump to the ship of wisdom and iman.


Al-hamdu lillah. But be very careful with the

          "This is how it feels, like they are trying to kill us",

Because it is not a bad thing, but a good thing, that they are trying to kill us. Let us explain a little.

Time for another short story?


Explanation - Bawa teaches us,

          "When Allah loves us the world will drive us away, but when the world accepts
          us we will not be acceptable to Allah, this is a sign you can see."

          "If you desire and accept the praise of the world, truth will not accept you, and if
          you desire truth, the world will not accept us. All who have wisdom must realize
          and understand this."


I will have to close shortly because Amy is coming to work on the moons for next years calendar with me. I am so grateful that God sends you as a helping hand. Al hamdu lillah.
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22.  Learn To Die Well


My dearest sister Rumi, it is like the story that Bawa told us one day of some mother crabs, how they lay the eggs of their babies inside there own bodies, and their babies eat them alive as they grow up.

Our life in the world, our birth of the world within us, and the killing of us by the worlds within us that we have given birth to, is like this, is like the mother crab who is eaten by her children. They kill us because they have to kill us, they are the children that we have given birth to, and they can only grow by eating us.

So, we have to lovingly give up our bodies of hell to the creations of hell within us, letting them destroy us so they can live, and when then are done, we are gone "as we are now here" and they are here in our place. In this way, we have become the essence of creation, and they have become the Creation we serve. And it is all perfect. Do you understand?


Yes I do understand and it is very helpful.


Closing prayer. May all the peace and blessings of God be upon us all. May God grant us His grace and bless us, in this world, as He did in the world of souls, and as He will in akhirah.

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah, Allahu Akbar.


Amen. Al-hamdu lillah. Much love to you Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen. Rumi.
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23.  How Is Louie?


Hello it is me again, Rumi.

MuhaiyaddeenLB: Hi. How is Rumi?


My computer shut down accidentally before I could save our dialogue. Do you still have it?


Yes. How is Rumi?


Rumi is much better, in fact Rumi is well, all is well.


Al-hamdu lillah. Louie will send you our last dialogue by E-mail.


Ok that would be good. Thank you so very much, because there is a lot of study material in this dialogue.


Good - please give my love and salaams to all of the brothers and sisters at the Ship, please tell them they are all in my prayers, and My Love Them (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)


Yes I will do that. And God willing, God will send a ride for you to be among us with your body. Much love and thank you again. Thank you for your patience.


Al-hamdu lillah - my love you my sweet sister Rumi. You are such a good child of
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him).


Al hamdu lillah. The first thing Bawa ever said to me was "you are a good child." Can I close up now. Amy is waiting for me?


Yes - we will mail the last dialogue to you in a few minutes.

Rumismith: Thanks.

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of Spiritual Chat 5
- outline & summary version -

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Spiritual Chat 5 - Outline & Summary Version                    About Spiritual Chat 5
Title: "Learning To Die Well", Date: February, 19, 2002
Chat Between: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) and Rumi

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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim.  In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum.  My love you, my dearest brothers and sisters.
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Outline & Summary of Spiritual Chat 
Note: for more on "Summary Material" click on Related Material either here or above
                                                                                                                        - go to items 20 to 23
13.  Stop Yelling At The Cake To Make It Rise - instead become peaceful about the
          cake, the oven, the chef, the kitchen, and realize that everything is as it should
14.  About Putting Things Down & Picking Things Up - we must expand who we are
          to include both what God is doing within us and what the Creation of God are
          doing within us
15.  Accentuate The Positive - remember that the darkness came into our hearts
          because in our ignorance we took the light out of the house of our heart by
          forgetting God, by forgetting about "us" as "one with" God
16.  Doing Things With Bawa And God - we can start to do things with Bawa and
          God by stopping all of our doing of things without Bawa and God
17.  Make Your Knowing That God Knows Enough - we must learn to "endure the
          cure" by elevating everything that comes to us, everything that happens to us,
          as not coming to us or happening to us, but rather coming from God to God
          without the slightest doubt that everything that needs to be done within us is
          already being done within us, by Bawa and God within us
19.  The Two Different Kinds of Life God Gave To Us - God has given each of us both
          a life of "separation from" God and a life of "oneness with" God so through
          contrast we can come to know and understand the life of "oneness with" God
          within us
                                                                                                                        - back to top of outline
          this truth in our lives, that our own life of "separation from" God will try to kill us
          when we start to accept and move toward the life of "oneness with" God within
          us, which is the life of Bawa and God within us
          always remember the nature of the two very different worlds that God has
          personally placed within each of us, the nature of the false world within us of
          separation from" God within us, that we have learned to see and live in through
          our ignorance, the illusory world that we now see as existing "outside" of us,
          and the nature of the true world of "oneness with God within us, that we can only
          see and enter through our wisdom
22.  Learn To Die Well - we must become like the mother crab who gives birth to its
          babies inside of herself, but with no opening for the babies to escape, except by
          killing her, by eating her flesh. This is the only way to get out of here alive, alive
          within God but dead to the world, by letting what we have all naturally given birth
          to within us, which are all of the lives of separation and differences within the
          Creation of God within us, which are the 105 million births of "separation from"
          God within us, by letting them kill us so they can live.  By letting them eat us up
          completely so they can live, so they can become the Creation of God within us
          while we become their Mother as the Essence of God's Grace within us, while
          we become the Rasul Allah, we become the dhat (the essence of God's grace)
          and the sirr (the secret of God's Creation) hidden within the sifat (the
          manifestation or form) of God's Creation
23.  How Is Louie? - at all times say, "Al-hamdu lillah, Allahu Akbar", all praise and
          praising belong to God and to God alone, and only God is Great, because Bawa
          teaches us that the first thing that comes out of our mouth determines what we
          will next experience, and if it is negative then that is our fate for the next
          moment, and if it is positive then that is our fate. And if it is about God and about
          what God is doing within us, and within all of His Creation for this age, this age of
          Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), then it is the blessings of
          our life that will bring peace to our life and to all life within us. And if it is about
          the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within us (may God be pleased
          with Him) then that is the grace of our life, the grace that will liberate our soul
          from the cross of our elemental body, allowing Bawa and God to finish what They
          have started within us, which is revealing True Man within the Creation of God
          within us, and revealing God within The Creation of True Man within us.
          Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.

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Text of Spiritual Chat
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13.  Stop Yelling At The Cake To Make It Rise


Sure. The important thing to realize is that for each thing "you" can't, but that it can be done.

When you set out to do anything that needs to be done, but try to do it separate from Bawa, this is sort of like trying to make the cake rise by getting upset about it.


It is part of asking God to destroy us, in order to reveal Him.


For Last Point: As soon as you start to focus on "loosing yourself", rather than on God, rather than on the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, nothing works, because nothing gets done in the arena of "you" trying to "lose yourself".
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14. About Putting Things Down & Picking Things Up


New Point:  Yes, Bawa teaches us that,

          "We can't put anything down unless we are picking something else up".

So there is no "our leaving" without "God coming", or "us" being destroyed without God within "us" being revealed, like an apple seed being destroyed so the apple tree is revealed.


The main point is not to focus on "our leaving", that is God's work, but rather to focus on "God coming", that is our work. Then both parts get done.


Bawa told us that the reason our room, the room of our heart, is dark is because we took the light out of the room, and the only way the room will become light again, is by bring the light back into the room, not by cursing the darkness.

Rumismith: I like that.
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15.  Accentuate The Positive


So the path is a positive one, always focusing on God, and His life, and what He is doing within us, which is revealing True Man within the Creation of God, not focusing on the negative parts within us that have to leave. When God comes they will all leave all by themselves.

Rumismith: Hopefully sooner than later.


That is the path, and we walk it by taking hold of God's hand, not trying to get ready for the "coming of God", and the name of God's hand in our age is "Bawa".


Be careful. Take a look at what you just said, "Hopefully sooner than later", Would wisdom say that?


Thank you for these beautiful, encouraging words of truth. Al hamdu lillah


Al-hamdu lillah. Wisdom is always peaceful, it has no expectation because everything is perfect, everything is as it should be. Do we have time for another short story?


No, that was the naughty me and I was fully aware of it. Yes please I would like another story.
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16.  Doing Things With Bawa And God


One of the sisters told Bawa one day in the room that she was very discourage about her progress on the path. And Bawa told her a beautiful story about planting and harvesting crops, that there is a time to sow, a time to weed, a time to water, a time to wait, a time to harvest, and a time to eat the crop that was grown and harvested.


When Bawa finished, He asked the girl if she understood, and the girl said,

          "Yes, but that it did not help her".

And what do you think Bawa did next?


I am waiting for you to tell me. I have no idea.

MuhaiyaddeenLB: He escaped?

Rumismith: I don't understand.


Bawa turned away from the girl and started to look at all of the other children, and asked if there were any other questions.


This child only personally saw Bawa do this twice, and I have realized over the years the following, that Bawa had done all that He could do for the girl, He had done His duty to the sister, and had then handed her to God, and turned to his other children to attend to their needs.


But then the most amazing thing happened, God intervened. All of a sudden, Bawa lit up like a Christmas tree, and His whole face and manner changed, His face took on a beautiful light and He looked like a 16 years old youth.


Are you going to tell me how?


Patience, my sweet sister Rumi. Remember, Louie is hearing this story as you are, not telling it.


Then Bawa turned back to the girl, with a look of so much love, and tenderness, and said to the girl,

          "My sweet child, if you think about it for a moment, you will realize, that there
          is a great secret in the story that was just told to you".

And then Bawa said to the girl,

          "The longer it takes for the crop to mature, the more exalted will be the crop."


When this child heard this, my whole life changed, because time was no longer my enemy, there was nothing for me to accomplish within a certain time period, in fact, time was now a ally, a friend, and the slowing down of the journey a wonderful thing, because now this child knew that God was in charge, not time, and that time was but a gift of God to help us endure the cure.

This child knew that the point of the path was not completing it, or becoming exalted, or wise, or good, or any of those things, the kinds of things that the mind seems to always focus on, the point was to trust in God to complete the journey for us, and our work was to sit in hell, to sit in failure after failure, to sit with no signs of progress or advance, knowing that God would indeed finish the job, in His time, and in His way, not ours.


What a helpful story, thank you. I start to see now the traps of the mind I tend to fall into.
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17.  Make Your Knowing That God Knows Enough


This is the story of Abraham (may the blessings of God be upon Him) in the pit of fire, rejecting the help of everyone, rejecting the help of the earth, the fire, the air, the water, and even the help of the Angel Gabriel (may the blessings of God be upon Him), because Abraham knew they could not in truth help Him, that only God could help Him, only God could complete what God had started within Abraham, and the pit of fire was how God was completing what God had started within Abraham, but only if
would just sit there, and endure the cure.


And that is what Abraham told the Angel Gabriel,

          "I don't need your help. The One who put in the fire, knows I am in the fire.
          He knows what is happening, and He knows what needs to be done."

But this answer made Angel Gabriel upset with Abraham, because Abraham would not accept his help.


And then the Angel Gabriel said to Abraham,

          "Well, if you won't accept my help, at least ask God for help".

And Abraham said to the Angel Gabriel,

          "I could do that, but my knowing that God knows, is enough."


This Iman, this is absolute faith, certitude, and determination in God, this is how we have to walk through our day, this is how we have to react to what happens to us.

Everything is always Ok, because God is in charge, God is in control, and what we are experiencing is but some aspect of what God is doing within us, and my work, my only work, is to accept it as from God, not as a call for me to change something, or to improve something, or to do anything, but to sit in it, whatever it is, content, with gratitude, trusting in God, saying Al-hamdu lillah - all praise and praising be to God and to God alone.
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18.  Never Have The Thought That There Is Something For You To Do


This is the only way to overcome our mind and desire, my sweet sister Rumi, with God, not with "us" as separate from God, not with something that "we" do, like our prayers, or our duty, or our understanding, as separate from God.

In fact Bawa said one day,

          "Never have the thought that there is something for you to do."


That is why, everything that can be done within you, to bring your life to completion, is already being done by God within you. There is nothing for you to do, but to support Him and what He is doing within you.

And we support Him by telling all of the lives within us, all of the lives of separation and differences within us, that have their own agenda separate from God, to be still, to wait, to be quite, because God is doing something very important within us, which is revealing Himself, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God in the 18,000 universes within us.


And if we do this, rather than becoming their advocate, and pleading their case to God, if we become instead God's advocate, and plead God's case to them, then since God is the one behind our advocacy of God, they will become peaceful, they will sit down.

That is the life of wisdom within us, pleading God's case to all of the lives of darkness within us, rather than joining them in their activities.
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19.  The Two Different Kinds of Life God Gave To Us


Bawa teaches us that God has personally placed within us two different kinds of life, a life of "separation from" which is the life of darkness within us that grows through our ignorance, and a life of "oneness with" which is the life of Light within us which grows through our wisdom, and we experience them like two ships passing in the night, the ship of mind and desire, of separation and differences, and the ship of iman and wisdom.

And our work is but to realize that we have mistakenly boarded the wrong ship, and as they pass at a certain critical point in our life, we have to "jump ship", and get on the ship of iman and wisdom, letting the ship of mind and desire go its way, without us.
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20.  When We Truly Turn To God Our Own Life Will Rise Up To Kill Us


This is the path of God, my sweet sister Rumi, this is the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) that is growing within the heart of all of the Children of God for this age, for this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), the path of God that each of us is given the opportunity to take.
Al-hamdu lillah

But when we try to "jump ship", everything on the ship of mind and desire will first plead with us not to leave, and then when they realize that we are determined, they will try and kill us. We must realize this, without the slightest doubt.

This is the path we have chosen, when we chose to follow the life and teaching of
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him), the death of us within us, for the life of God within us. Do you understand?
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21.  There Are No Bad Or Good Guys, Just God And What God Is Doing


Yes, this is how it feels, like they are trying to kill us. Al-hamdu lillah.

I do understand. I feel like I had an adjustment. God sent you to throw me a rope so I can jump to the ship of wisdom and iman.


Al-hamdu lillah. But be very careful with the

          "This is how it feels, like they are trying to kill us",

Because it is not a bad thing, but a good thing, that they are trying to kill us. Let us explain a little.

Time for another short story?


Explanation - Bawa teaches us,

          "When Allah loves us the world will drive us away, but when the world accepts
          us we will not be acceptable to Allah, this is a sign you can see."

          "If you desire and accept the praise of the world, truth will not accept you, and if
          you desire truth, the world will not accept us. All who have wisdom must realize
          and understand this."


I will have to close shortly because Amy is coming to work on the moons for next years calendar with me. I am so grateful that God sends you as a helping hand. Al hamdu lillah.
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22.  Learn To Die Well


My dearest sister Rumi, it is like the story that Bawa told us one day of some mother crabs, how they lay the eggs of their babies inside there own bodies, and their babies eat them alive as they grow up.

Our life in the world, our birth of the world within us, and the killing of us by the worlds within us that we have given birth to, is like this, is like the mother crab who is eaten by her children. They kill us because they have to kill us, they are the children that we have given birth to, and they can only grow by eating us.

So, we have to lovingly give up our bodies of hell to the creations of hell within us, letting them destroy us so they can live, and when then are done, we are gone "as we are now here" and they are here in our place. In this way, we have become the essence of creation, and they have become the Creation we serve. And it is all perfect. Do you understand?


Yes I do understand and it is very helpful.


Closing prayer. May all the peace and blessings of God be upon us all. May God grant us His grace and bless us, in this world, as He did in the world of souls, and as He will in akhirah.

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah, Allahu Akbar.


Amen. Al-hamdu lillah. Much love to you Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen. Rumi.
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23.  How Is Louie?


Hello it is me again, Rumi.

MuhaiyaddeenLB: Hi. How is Rumi?


My computer shut down accidentally before I could save our dialogue. Do you still have it?


Yes. How is Rumi?


Rumi is much better, in fact Rumi is well, all is well.


Al-hamdu lillah. Louie will send you our last dialogue by E-mail.


Ok that would be good. Thank you so very much, because there is a lot of study material in this dialogue.


Good - please give my love and salaams to all of the brothers and sisters at the Ship, please tell them they are all in my prayers, and My Love Them (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)


Yes I will do that. And God willing, God will send a ride for you to be among us with your body. Much love and thank you again. Thank you for your patience.


Al-hamdu lillah - my love you my sweet sister Rumi. You are such a good child of
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him).


Al hamdu lillah. The first thing Bawa ever said to me was "you are a good child." Can I close up now. Amy is waiting for me?


Yes - we will mail the last dialogue to you in a few minutes.

Rumismith: Thanks.

End of Page 2 of 2
of Spiritual Chat 5
- outline & summary version -

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This page was last updated on: April 9, 2002